
Scientific informatics software

Enterprise software

Scientific informatics software

Calum Paterson
Managing Partner, SEP

Dotmatics provides informatics software for the management, query and visualisation of chemistry and biology data. The company’s solutions allow its customers to increase their speed of innovation by improving data quality, enabling users to collaborate across research sites, and reducing time spent on data gathering.

Our investment in 2017 enabled Dotmatics to develop its chemistry solutions, further expand into biologics, and make strategic hires in application science, product development and professional services. We also worked with the team to upgrade systems and processes across key functional areas to ensure that operational scalability met the growing market opportunity.

By accessing our network, Dotmatics has added international and operational capabilities at board level, introducing a non-executive chairman, a non-executive director, and a chief financial officer. These appointments have brought a depth of experience in scaling life sciences focused software companies, helping the company to refine its international growth strategy and build on its expanding global customer base. Dotmatics was ranked as one of the top 50 fastest-growing privately owned pharmaceutical companies in the UK in 2021 (Alantra Pharma Fast 50).

In March 2021, Dotmatics agreed to join forces with US company Insightful Science. The deal, created a market-leading life sciences discovery informatics business, incorporating the Dotmatics small molecule and enterprise cloud platform with Insightful Science’s large molecule and analytics applications. The acquisition by Insightful Science provided SEP with an excellent return on its investment as well as the opportunity to rollover part of its stake into the combined business. SEP remains a shareholder in the combined entity.

“Growth equity investment from SEP has enabled us to accelerate product innovation and make incredible progress in scaling our business internationally, including acquiring US based BioBright. Through SEP’s network we have enriched our board and, with SEP’s support have extended our market share, delivered consistent revenue growth and trebled headcount to 300 employees.”

Stephen Gallagher, co-founder and CEO, Dotmatics

UK, USA, Japan, South Korea


Enterprise software

Investment Year
Exit Year





2 million +

countries served


International Track 200


Connected team

Our lead experts associated with this investment.